Saturday, June 9, 2012

Raw Greek Kale Salad

Kale is one of the best greens you can add to your menu!!!

·         1 bunch Kale (about 6 cups)
·         1 lemon
·         3 tablespoons olive oil
·         Salt
·         Grape Tomatoes
·         1 small onion, diced
·         1/2 cup feta cheese
1. Dice the kale into small pieces, and place in a big bowl.
2. Add the olive oil and about a teaspoon of salt to the kale.  Begin massaging the oil and salt into the kale.  Continue rubbing the kale, until the kale looks shiny.  Let it rest for 6 minutes.
3. Add the onion, tomatoes, feta, and lemon juice. Mix well and serve.

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